Dawn Word List

Dawn Word List

Aberration: deviation; abnormality
Abstruse: Difficult to comprehend
Acumen: sharpness of mind
Adroit: skill-ful (Maladroit = clumsy)
Adulation: worship; great praise
Advocate: support
Affability: friendliness; cordiality
Affinity: kinship
Affluence: wealth; opulence
Agnostic: unsure of the existence of god
Alacrity: speed & eagerness; promptness
Alleviate: make less serve; reduce
Altruism: self-sacrifice
Amalgam: mixture
Amassed: accumulated
Ambiguous: vague; doubtful; equivocal
Ameliorate: make better; improve
Amiable: friendly; lovable
Anachronistic: out of normal time range (Root -- chron always implies the time)
Animosity: hostility; hatred; ill-will
Apathetic: lacking energy or interest; indifference
Arable: can be cultivated; fit for pillowing (example: arable land)
Arbitration: mediating between disputing sides
Arboreal: living in trees (Root -- Arbor always relates to trees)
Arcane: esoteric; obscure; known only to few people
Archaic: old-fashioned
Articulation: joining; speaking clearly; distinct
Ascertain: find out; make sure
Astute: wise; mentally sharp
Augment: increase in size or number
Aural: through the sense of hearing
Autocrat: absolute ruler; dictator
Autonomy: self-government
Barrage: bombardment; stream (of abuse etc.); continous attack
Belabor: over-emphasizing
Belied: contradicted
Belitters: people who criticize/disparage
Benevolent: kindly; cheritable
Boorishness: rudeness; ill-mannered behavior
Bountiful: generous
Brevity: briefness
Bypass: avoid; find a way around
Byzantine: excessive; decadent
Cacophony: noise; din
Callous: cruel & unfeeling
Candid: truthful; straight forward; free from prejudice
Capricious: whimsical; changeable
Censure: criticize; blame
Cerebral: concerned with thinking
Circumstantial: accidental; indirect
Insightful: perceptive; can be understood
Insipid: flavourless; bland
Insolence: lack of respect; rudeness; impudence
Insolvent: bankrupt
Insufferable: can not be tolerated
Insular: narrow-minded
Insurrectionist: rebel; combative
Integrity: honor; honesty
Intemperate: not moderate; excessive
Intermittent: on & off; not continous; spasmodic
Intonation: tone of voice
intrigued: interested and curious
Intuition: sixth sense; gut feeling
Invocation: prayer
Irony: something unexpected; words to convey opposite meaning
Irreproachable: can not be criticized; blameless (Reproach = critize)
Irresolute: lacking firmness of purpose; hesitant
Irreverence: lack of respect
Jaded: tired; bored
Jeopardize: put at risk; endanger
Judicious: fair; wise
Juxtaposition: placing two things next to each other
Knack: trick; skill
Lackadaisical: lazy; careless; lax
Lamentable: regrettable
Languid: Lacking energy; weak
Lavish: to spend freely(v); costing alot; opulent(adj)
Legitimate: to make legal; give approval to
Libelous: open to prosecution forr libel (libel = written slander)
Lithe: flexible; supple
Litigious: seeking legal remedies
Lobby: to try to persuade; entrance hall
Lucid: clear; explained
Magnanimous: generous minded; big-hearted
Mandate: permission
Mandatory: compulsory
Manifesto: statement of values
Manipulative: deceptive; skill-ful at handling people
Marred: spoiled; ruined
Meager: small; scanty; unimportant
Mercenary: seeking money above all else; interested in money and gain
Meticulous: thorough; taking care of details
Miffed: annoyed; vex
Mitigate: moderate; reduce intensity
Modicum: tiny amount
Momentous: of great importance
Monotonous: dull; repetitive
Morbidity: concern with death and disease
Motley: varied; miscellaneous
Circumvent: avoid; outwit; baffle
Coalition: a union of two parts
Ceorce: compel; force
Cognitions: mental knowledge
Compendious: containing a lot in a small space/few words
Conciliatory: bringing together; ending a dispute; soothing
Concord: agreement
Condone: tolerate
Conflagration: great fire
Congenial: friendly; sociable; suitable
Connoisseur: expert with good taste/ judgement
Consecrate: dedicate; make holy
Consummate: supremely good
Contagious: passed on through touch; infectious
Convergence: coming together
Convivial: sociable
Copious: in large amount
Corollary: consequence; inference
Corpulence: very fat-ness
Corroborated: supported; given supporting evidence
Credulity: belief on slight evidence
Cumulative: building up
Cursory: superficial
Curtail: cut short
Dalliance: non-serious involvement; toying or playing
Dearth: shortage; lacking
Debacle: disaster
Debilitate: weaken
Debunk: throw out old indeas
Deferment: putting off
Deleterious: harmful
Deliberation: careful thought
Delineate: outline
Demagogue: mob leader; agitator
Demonstrative: expressing emotions freely
Denuded: stripped
Depreciatory: devaluing; criticizing
Derelict: rundown; abandoned
Derided: mocked
Despoiled: plunder; rob; deprive
Devious: cunning
Didactic: intending to preach or teach; an act of teaching
Dilatory: slow; sluggish
Disarming: charming; unthreatening
Discernment: judgement
Discrepancy: inconsistency
Disillusioned: freed from wrong ideas
Disingenuous: crafy; double dealing
Disparaging: critical
Distension: swelling; distend; expand


nincompoop;foolish person

niggle;fuss over details,find fault in petty matters

humdrum;dull,common place

vanity;unreal thing


shrugged;to draw up shoulders or gesture of indifference


gig;engagement to play music



narcissism;excessive or erotic interest in oneself

palpabel;that can be touched,readily percieved


bludgeons;heavy club,coerce

vilify;defame,speak ill of
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Abort: stop
Accord: agreement
Anoint: choose
Assimilate: to take in, fit into, or become similar
Berate: to criticize or speak in an angry manner to someone
Chastised: to criticize someone severely
Conceptual: based on ideas or principles
Consortium: an organization of several businesses or banks joining together as a group for a shared purpose
Contemplate: observe or study thoughtfully
Decapitating: to cut off the head of a person
Deficits: insufficiency
Delegate: a chosen person
Deploy: to use something in an effective way
Dissidence: disagreement
Enclave: a group of people different than its surrounding
Enunciate: to pronounce words clearly, explain
Envisage: To conceive an image of a future possibility
Emphatic: said in a strong way
Exploit: use well, use something unfairly
Extravagant: spending or doing more than necessary
Galvanizes: to cause someone to suddenly take action
Grievances: a complaint
Harmonious: friendly and peaceful
Hover: suspended in the air
Hurl: to throw something with a lot of force
Incentive: something which encourages a person to do something
Incumbent: officially having the named position, necessary
Inflation: continuous increase in prices
Ostracized: to exclude from a group
Perish: to die,to suffer destruction
Pertain: to have reference or relation
Pledge: a serious or formal promise
Precedence: act or fact of preceding
Prevail: to get control or influence
Quintessentially: typically
Rabid: irrationally extreme in opinion or practice
Revitalize: to give new life
Revoke: to take back or withdraw
Sprout: to develop or grow quickly
Substantially: large in size, value or importance, basic or essential
Sway: control
Tariff: the schedule or system of duties so imposed
Inalienable: unable to be removed
Upsurge: a sudden increase in something
Vault: something likened to an arched roof
Venerable: deserving respect because of age, high position etc
Vie: to compete with other people
Welter: a large & badly organized number of things
Antiquated: outdated; old fashioned
Choleric: easily angered
Diorama: model of a scene
Fecund: fertile Inebriation drunkenness; intoxication
Marshal: to gather together
Parity: equality
Profound: having deep meaning
Servile: overly submissive; groveling
Usurp: take someone's position (usually by force)
Apathetic: indifferent; uninterested; lethargic
Chronicler: person who records historical information
Dirge: mournful song
Felicitous: apt
Ineffable: cannot be expressed in words
Marsupial: pouched mammal (like a kangaroo)
Parochial: narrow-minded; concerned only with local matters
Skeptical: doubting; not gullible
Utilitarian: useful
Apathy: lack of interest or emotion
Circuitous: indirect; roundabout (circuitous statement)
Disapprobation: disapproval
Fervor: passion; enthusiasm; zeal
Inept: incompetent; unskilled; useless
Martinet: person who believes in strict discipline
Parody: a mockery; imitation for ridicule; spoof
Proletarian: member of the working class
Skirmish: minor battle
Utopian: a believer in an ideal world
Apocryphal: of doubtful origin; not original
Circumlocution: using too many words; long-windedness
Discern: to distinguish one thing from another
Fickle: unpredictable; whimsical; easily swayed
Inertia: inactivity; lethargy
Masochist: person who intentionally inflicts pain on himself
Parry: ward off; avoid
Prolific: producing a lot
Sluggard: slow-moving; lethargic person
Vacillate: waver; hesitate
Appease: pacify; soothe; calm down; make peace with
Circumscribe: limit
Discord: disagreement
Finesse: skill
Inevitable: cannot be avoided
Matriarchy: society governed by women
Parsimonious: economical; frugal; thrifty
Proponents: promoters; supporters
Vacuous: empty; silly; meaningless
Apprehensive: worried; fearful
Circumspect: cautious; considering all sides
Discordancy: cacophony; harshness; jarring
Fitful: not continuous; stopping and starting
Inexorable: relentless
Maverick: a loner
Parsimony: stinginess; frugality; cost-cutting
Prosaic: dull; boring; ordinary
Vagrant: person wandering without a home
Arable: can be cultivated
Circumvent: avoid
Discrepancy: something which does not match up; inconsistency
Flagrant: clearly wrong
Inexpedient: not advisable
Meager: in short supply
Partisan: biased; one-sided; committed to one group
Proscribe: forbid
Solace: comfort for grief
Vapid: dull; uninspiring
Arbitrary: random; for no definite reason
Clairvoyant: psychic; mystic
Discriminate: to make a clear distinction; see the difference
Flamboyant: showy; ornate Infallible perfect; flawless; cannot make mistakes
Meander: wander from side to side
Pathos: evoking sadness or pity
Prosody: study of versification
Solicit: to ask for; seek
Variegated: multicolored; speckled
Arcane: obscure; known only to a few people
Clamor: shout; scream
Discursiveness: long windedness; indirectness
Flaunt: show off; display in a showy manner
Infamous: famous for something bad
Mellow: soft; melodious; ripe
Patron: one who give support (usually financial)
Prostration: 1. lying face down; 2. be overcome with extreme weakness
Somnambulist: sleepwalker
Vehemence: violence; fervor; forcefulness
Archaic: ancient; outdated; old fashioned
Clandestine: secret; covert; stealthy
Disdain: contempt; strong dislike
Flippant: making jokes about serious matters Infer deduce; conclude
Menagerie: collection of animals
Patronize: condescend to; behave in an arrogant manner towards
Protagonist: main character in film, book, play etc.
Soothsayer: fortuneteller
Vehement: forceful
Archetype: classic example of
Clemency: mercy
Disinterested: unbiased
Flout: defy; reject
Ingénue: naïve, unsophisticated person
Mendacious: given to lying
Paucity: shortage
Protean: changeable
Sophomoric: juvenile; immature
Venal: corrupt; can be bribed
Archives: collections of old records; place of storage of old documents
Cliché: overused expression; something unoriginal
Disparage: criticize; belittle
Flustered: worked-up; not calm Ingrate ungrateful person
Mercenary: concerned only with money
Peccadillo: minor weakness; trivial offence
Protégé: person under protection of, or guided by another
Soporific: inducing sleep; sleep producer
Veneer: surface coating
Articulate: clear; lucid; eloquent
Clientele: customers
Disparity: an inequality
Fly-by-night: unreliable; disreputable
Inimical: hostile
Mercurial: volatile; changeable
Pedant: person who insists on strict adherence to rules or narrow learning
Protocol: procedure; code of behavior
Sparse: spare; bare; meager Venerate revere; worship
Artifice: deception; trickery
Coalesce: come together; merge
Dispassionate: neutral; objective
Forensic: concerned with argument or debate (esp. for legal evidence)
Innate: inherited; inborn
Merge: come together
Pedestrian: common; mundane; banal
Provincial: unsophisticated; narrow-minded
Specious: false
Venial: minor; unimportant
Artisan: craftsman
Coddle: pamper; fuss over; indulge
Disseminating: circulating; broadcasting; spreading (information)
Fortitude: bravery Innocuous harmless; inoffensive
Metaphorically: symbolically; figuratively Peerless without equal
Prudent: cautious; wise
Speckled: spotted; freckled; dotted
Veracity: truthfulness
Ascetic: without luxuries; severely simple
Coercion: force
Diurnal: active in daytime
Fortuitous: happening by chance
Innovate: create; introduce something new
Meticulous: very careful; painstaking
Pejorative: derogatory
Puerile: childish
Sporadic: not continuous; intermittent
Verbose: talkative; long-winded; rambling
Assiduous: thorough; diligent
Cogent: lucid; well argued
Divert: 1. entertain; 2. distract; 3. cause a detour
Fractious: irritable; difficult to control
Inscrutable: mysterious; impenetrable
Mettle: courage; bravery; valor
Pellucid: transparently clear
Punctilious: paying attention to small details
Spurious: false
Assuage: to calm
Cogitate: think over something; ponder
Docile: gentle and easily lead
Fraudulent: fake; false
Insentient: unfeeling
Milieu: environment
Pensive: in a thoughtful mood; thinking deeply
Purloin: steal
Stagnant: still; not moving
Vertigo: dizziness
Astute: perceptive; sharp-witted
Collage: picture made from fragments of other pictures
Dogmatic: having stubbornly held opinions
Frivolous: not serious Insipid dull; bland; boring
Mire: swamp; muddy ground
Penury: poverty
Pusillanimous: cowardly
Staid: dull; sober; serious
Vestigial: not developed
Asylum: place of refuge or safety
Collate: arrange in order
Dolt: stupid person
Frugal: economical; not wasting anything
Instigate: to start; provoke
Misanthrope: hater of the rest of mankind
Perceptive: observant
Pyromania: compulsion to start fires
Stanza: section of a poem
Vignette: small sketch
Atheist: person who does not believe in God
Colloquial: local and informal (used of language)
Dotard: foolish old man
Furrow: groove
Instigator: troublemaker; person who entices others to do something
Misnomer: wrong name
Percipient: perceptive; insightful
Quaff: drink down quickly
Staunch: loyal; faithful; dependable
Vilification: blackening someone's name
Atrophy: waste away from lack of use
Collusion: plotting and planning
Drawl: speak slowly with words running together
Furtive: hidden and secret
Insurgent: a rebel
Misogynist: hater of women
Perdition: damnation
Quagmire: marsh; bog
Stereotype: fixed image
Vindicate: prove right; remove blame
Attenuate: weaken
Commandeer: take possession of
Drivel: nonsense
Futile: useless; hopeless
Interminable: never-ending
Misrepresentation: deliberately deceiving
Peremptory: in a commanding manner
Virtuoso: an accomplished musician
Augment: increase; make bigger
Complacent: self-satisfied; smug
Droll: dryly amusing
Galleon: ancient type of sailing ship
Intermittent: sporadic; irregular
Mitigate: lessen; make less severe
Perfidy: treachery
Quandary: dilemma; puzzle
Stifle: suppress
Virulent: dangerous; harmful
Auspicious: favorable; promising to turn out well
Compliant: easy to control; submissive
Drone: 1. monotonous noise (n); 2. to speak with no emotion (v); 3.male bee
Gambol: frolic; leap; bound Intransigence stubbornness
Modicum: small amount
Perfunctory: superficial; cursory
Quarantine: isolation to prevent the spread of disease Stoic known for fortitude; indifferent to pleasure or pain
Vital: essential; alive; important
Austere: severely plain; strict
Concatenate: link together
Dubious: doubtful Garble distort; confuse; muddle
Intransigent: stubborn; unyielding
Momentous: very important
Peripatetic: nomadic; moving from place to place Quarry 1. something that is hunted; 2. mine for stone
Stoke: add fuel to; strengthen
Vitriolic: corrosive; strongly attacking
Aversion: a dislike of
Concatenation: linking into chains
Dupe: to fool someone
Garish: gaudy Intrepid brave
Monotonous: dull; unvarying
Peripheral: on the edge; not important
Querulous: always complaining
Stolid: impassive; dull; indifferent
Vivacity: liveliness; animation
Balk: hinder and prevent; hesitate over
Conciliate: to bring together; end a dispute
Dynamic: lively; vibrant; energetic
Garner: gather; collect Inveterate habitual
Moratorium: temporary prohibition or halt to activity
Perjury: telling lies under oath
Quirk: oddity
Stratagem: plot; plan; trick
Vivify: enliven
Banal: common; dull
Concise: stated in few words
Ebullient: very lively; cheerful; jovial; happy
Garrulous: talkative Invidious arousing envy
Moribund: on the point of death
Pernicious: destructive; harmful
Ramble: wander aimlessly
Strident: loud and harsh
Vociferous: noisy; loud in speech
Condescend: talk down to
Eccentric: unusual; quirky; odd
Gaunt: emaciated; bony and angular
Inviolable: cannot be invaded
Morose: gloomy; bad tempered
Persnickety: fastidious; fussy
Ramifications: branches; subdivisions of a complex system; outcomes
Stringent: strict or severe
Volatile: dangerously unstable; evaporates easily
Bane: troublesome influence
Condone: tacitly support; overlook
Eclectic: taking things from different sources
Genre: a category; type Irascible easily angered
Mundane: ordinary; worldly
Perpetuated: caused to continue
Rancor: resentment; animosity; bad feeling
Strut: swagger; show off
Voluble: talkative
Germane: relevant Ire anger [irate (a) = very angry]
Munificent: generous; charitable
Perpetuity: eternity
Rant: use bombastic language
Stupefying: astonishing; shocking; stunning into silence
Voluminous: very large; spacious
Bastion: fortress; stronghold
Conflagration: big fire
Efface: wipe out; remove all trace of
Germinal: just growing; not developed; immature
Irksome: annoying; infuriating
Mutinous: very rebellious
Personable: attractive
Ratify: approve; consent
Subpoena: summons to court
Voracious: ravenous
Befuddle: confuse
Confound: confuse
Effigy: a model of a person
Gibbering: making meaningless noises
Ironic: satiric; unexpected
Myriad: in large numbers
Perspicacious: insightful; sharp; wise
Raucous: rough and unpleasant (of sounds)
Substantiate: give supporting evidence
Waive: surrender; give up
Begrudge: resent
Congeal: to solidify
Effusive: gushing; demonstrative
Glacial: hostile; unfriendly; cold; icy
Irrational: unreasonable; absurd
Navigable: suitable for sailing
Perspicacity: insight Raze destroy; demolish; tear down
Subterfuge: a trick
Wane: grow less
Beguile: mislead; lure
Congenital: present from birth
Egalitarianism: belief in equality
Goad: prod; urge
Irreproachable: cannot be criticized; perfect
Nebulous: vague
Pertinent: relevant
Rebuttal: denial
Subtle: not obvious
Wary: hesitant; cautious
Belabor: explain in unnecessary detail
Connoisseur: person with refined taste and good judgment
Egregious: outstandingly, obviously bad
Grate: (v) 1. to annoy; aggravate; vex; 2. shred
Irrevocable: cannot be cancelled; unchangeable
Nefarious: wicked; immoral; disreputable
Peruse: read carefully
Recant: disclaim; retract statement
Subversive: rebellious; revolutionary
Wax: to increase; to grow
Beleaguer: besiege; attack
Consecrate: dedicate
Egress: exit
Gratis: free of charge; without payment
Itinerant: nomadic; wandering from place to place
Negate: cancel; deny
Pervasive: spreading everywhere
Recapitulate: summarize
Succinct: concise
Waylay: accost; stop; approach; hinder
Belie: contradict
Consensus: general agreement
Eloquent: fluent and persuasive in speech
Gratuitous: unwarranted
Jaded: tired; bored; worn out
Negligence: carelessness
Petrify: 1. terrify; 2. turn to stone
Receptacle: container; vessel; holder
Suffragist: someone who campaigns for voting rights
Weighty: serious
Belittle: to demean
Conspicuous: easily seen; prominent
Elucidate: make clear
Gravity: seriousness
Jargon: specialized language used by experts
Neologism: newly coined word
Petulant: sulky; peevish
Recluse: someone who cuts himself off from life
Supercilious: proud and haughty
Bellicose: war-like; aggressive
Consummate: complete; total; supremely good
Elusive: hard to pin down
Gregarious: extroverted; sociable; outgoing
Jaundiced: cynical; pessimistic
Nettle: annoy
Phenomenon: an event or happening (plural: phenomena)
Recuperate: get better after illness
Superlative: extremely good; the best
Whet: sharpen
Belligerent: aggressive; ready to fight
Contemporary: living or happening at the same time
Emaciated: very thin; withered
Gritty: coarse; granular
Jaunt: short pleasure trip
Niggardly: miserly; stingy
Philanthropy: charity; love of mankind
Red tape: formalities; paperwork; official procedure
Surly: grumpy; rude
Whimsical: capricious; changeable
Bemoan: complain about
Contrite: sorry
Emancipate: set free
Guffaw: sudden loud laughter
Jeopardize: put at risk; endanger
Nomadic: wandering from place to place
Philistine: uncultured person
Redolent: smelling of; giving off odors
Surreptitious: secret; sneaky; stealthy
Willful: stubborn
Benevolent: kindly
Contrition: sorrow and repentance
Embezzle: defraud; steal
Guile: cunning; craftiness
Jingoistic: extremely patriotic; nationalistic
Nonchalance: an appearance of indifference; calm and composed
Phlegmatic: calm; imperturbable
Redress: put right something that was wrong
Surreptitiously: secretly; furtively; stealthily
Wily: cunning
Benign: kindly; harmless
Contumacious: stubborn
Embroil: involve in hostility or argument
Guileless: frank; straightforward; honest
Jocular: in a joking manner
Nondescript: having no special features; dull and ordinary
Pillage: plunder
Redundant: unnecessary; superfluous
Susceptible: vulnerable
Wispy: flimsy; frail; delicate
Benignity: compassion; gentleness; fondness
Contusion: a bruise
Emerge: come out; appear
Gullibility: unwariness; trustfulness; being easily fooled
Jollity: gaiety; happiness
Nonentity: a person of no importance; not famous
Pinnacle: topmost point
Referendum: public vote
Suspect: doubtful
Wistful: melancholy; pensive; expressing a longing for
Bequeath: leave something in one's will to be given after one's death
Conundrum: a puzzle
Emulate: to imitate something admired
Gullible: easily fooled
Jubilant: ecstatic; delighted; rejoicing
Nostalgia: longing for the past
Pious: very religious
Refute: disprove
Sybarite: lover of luxury
Zany: crazy; wacky
Berate: scold; criticize
Conventional: usual; customary; common
Endorse: give support or approval to
Gustatory: concerned with the sense of taste
Judicious: correct in judgment; wise
Notoriety: infamy; known for wrong doing
Pivotal: of central importance
Regale: entertain
Sycophant: bootlicker; flatterer
Zeal: enthusiasm
Beret: type of cap
Corpulent: fat
Endurance: staying power; patience; stamina
Hackneyed: common and over-used
Jurisprudence: science or study of law
Novel: new; unusual
Placate: pacify; soothe; calm
Relegate: dismiss to a lower position
Taciturn: quiet; saying little
Zealot: fanatic
Bestial: behaving like a beast; brutal
Corrugated: highly folded
Enduring: lasting
Hallowed: worshipped; consecrated
Juxtapose: place next to
Novice: a beginner; tyro
Placebo: harmless medicine with no effect; dummy medicine
Remorse: regret; sorrow; contrition
Tactile: concerned with the sense of touch
Zenith: summit

Abhor: hate
Bigot: narrow-minded, prejudiced person
Counterfeit: fake; false
Enfranchise: give voting rights
Hamper: hinder; obstruct
Kindle: to start a fire
Noxious: harmful; poisonous; lethal
Placid: calm; peaceful
Remuneration: payment for work done
Talisman: lucky charm
Abasement: humiliation; degradation
Billowing: swelling; fluttering; waving
Cower: recoil in fear or servility; shrink away from
Enhance: improve; make better or clearer
Harangue: noisy, attacking speech
Labyrinth: a maze
Nullify: to counter; make unimportant
Plaintiff: petitioner (in court of law)
Replete: full
Tangible: can be touched
Plagiarism: taking credit for someone else's writing or ideas
Knotty: complex; difficult to solve
Engender: cause
Covert: hidden; undercover
Abrogate: cancel; deny; repeal
Blasphemy: speech which offends religious sentiments
Credible: believable
Enigma: puzzle; mystery
Harbingers: indicators; bringers of warnings
Labyrinthine: complicated; highly convoluted
Plaudit: statement giving strong praise
Reprehensible: shameful; very bad
Tardy: slow; late; overdue; delayed
Creditable: praiseworthy
Hasten: hurry; accelerate; rush
Laceration: a cut
Obdurate: stubborn
Plausible: can be believed; reasonable
Reprieve: a respite; postponement of a sentence
Tawdry: of little value; gaudy
Abstain: desist; go without; withdraw
Blighted: damaged; destroyed; ruined
Credulous: gullible; ready to believe anything
Enshroud: cover
Haughtiness: arrogance; pride
Lachrymose: tearful; sad
Obfuscate: deliberately make something difficult to understand
Plethora: an excess
Repudiate: shun; eschew; back from statement
Tedium: boredom
Abstemious: self denying; refraining from indulging
Enunciation: clear pronunciation; accent; articulation
Headstrong: stubborn; willful
Lackluster: dull; monotonous; bland
Objective: unbiased; not subjective
Pliable: flexible; not stubborn
Rescind: retract; repeal
Temper: to moderate; soften
Abstruse: difficult to understand; obscure
Cringe: recoil; flinch; shy away
Envenom: to cause bitterness and bad feeling
Hedonism: self indulgence; pleasure-seeking
Laconic: using few words; brief; to the point
Oblique: indirect; slanting
Tenacious: stubborn; resolute; holding firm to a purpose
Accolade: tribute; honor; praise
Bolster: support; prop up
Cryptic: puzzling; enigmatic
Ephemeral: short-lived
Lamentation: expression of regret or sorrow
Obliterate: destroy; demolish; eradicate
Plummet: fall suddenly and steeply
Resolution: determination
Tentative: not certain
Acquiesce: to agree to; give in to
Bombast: arrogant, pompous language
Curtail: cut short
Heed: listen to
Lampoon: ridicule; spoof
Oblivious: totally unaware
Podium: raised platform
Resonant: echoing
Tenuous: flimsy; not solid
Acrid sharp; pungent (used of smells and tastes) Boorish ill-mannered Cynical believing that people act only out of selfish motives
Heresy against orthodox opinion
Obscure difficult to understand; partially hidden Poignant deeply moving; strongly affecting the emotions Respite a break; intermission Terse concise; to the point
Debility weakness; incapacity
Hiatus interruption; pause
Languid tired; slow
Obscured: hidden; covered; buried
Poised: calm; collected; self-possessed
Resplendent: shining; glowing
Therapeutic: medicinal; curative
Acuity: sharpness (mental or visual)
Braggart: someone who boasts
Debunking: exposing false claims or myths
Hidebound: rigid in opinions
Languish: decay; fade away; get weaker
Obsequious: servile; submissive
Polemical: causing debate or argument
Restorative: a tonic
Thwart: prevent; frustrate
Adamant: forceful; inflexible
Brawny: muscular
Equivocate: speak ambiguously; avoid telling the truth
Hieroglyphics: 1. picture writing; 2. writing which is difficult to read or enigmatic
Larceny: theft; robbery; stealing
Ponderous: weighty; slow and heavy
Retention: preservation; withholding
Timorous: cowardly; fearful
Adroit: skilful Brevity being brief
Decorum: dignified, correct behavior [decorous (a)]
Err: make a mistake
Hinder: obstruct
Largess: generosity
Obsolete: no longer valid
Reticent: restrained; holding something back; uncommunicative
Tirade: stream of verbal abuse
Adulation: strong admiration; worship
Bristle: to show irritation
Erratic: wandering; irregular
Histrionic: theatrical; exaggerated
Laud: praise
Portend: foretell
Retraction: withdrawal; cancellation of a statement
Titter: giggle quietly
Adversity: hardship
Broach: start to discuss; approach
Deference: respect
Esoteric: obscure and difficult to understand
Hoary: old; white with old age
Lavish: on a grand scale; wasteful
Obtuse: mentally dull
Portent: a warning sign; omen
Revere: worship
Advocate: support
Brusque: blunt; abrupt
Espouse: promote; take up; support
Hone: sharpen; increase; whet
Lax: careless; not strict
Obviate: avoid; make unnecessary
Poseur: someone who puts on an act
Riddled: full of (usually full of holes)
Torpid: inactive; lazy; stagnant
Defunct: no longer in existence
Etymology: the study of word origins
Legend: 1. key to map; 2. myth or story
Odious: hateful Posterity future generations
Rife: common
Torpor: dormancy; sluggishness; inactivity
Affable: friendly; social; easygoing
Bureaucracy: officialdom
Degradation: deprivation; poverty; debasement
Eulogy: praise
Hypochondriac: a person obsessed with health; having imaginary illnesses
Legion: in large numbers
Officious: domineering; intrusive; meddlesome
Posthumous: after death
Rigor: thoroughness
Totter: walk unsteadily
Alacrity: eagerness; enthusiasm; quickness
Deleterious: harmful
Euphemism: a polite phrase to cover something unpleasant
Hypocritical: insincere
Lethargic: tired; without energy
Ogle: stare at; observe in an obvious manner
Robust: strong; healthy; tough
Tractable: obedient; dutiful; polite
Deliberate: to think over deeply
Euphony: pleasant sounds
Iconoclast: person who opposes orthodoxy
Levity: flippancy; joking about serious matters; lightness
Olfactory: concerned with the sense of smell
Alibi: an excuse that shows someone was not at a crime scene
Buttress: strengthen; support
Delineation: demarcation; explanation; definition; outlining
Evacuate: vacate; empty; abandon
Idiosyncrasy: a personal peculiarity; something unique to an individual
Libertarian: someone who opposes tyranny
Ominous: threatening
Potent: powerful; compelling; strong
Ruminate: think over something; ponder
Transcribe: copy
Allay: to lessen
Byline: the line that tells you who wrote an article
Demur: hesitate; refuse
Exacerbate: make worse
Ignominious: shameful
Omnipotent: all-powerful
Pragmatic: practical Ruse trick; stratagem
Transgress: go astray; disobey; commit a sin
Alleviate: make less severe
Cacophony: discordant loud noises
Denounce: condemn; speak out against
Exasperated: frustrated; annoyed
Ignominy: shame [ignominious (a) = shameful]
Lithe: flexible; supple
Omniscient: all-knowing
Pragmatist: practical person; one who is concerned with usefulness
Saccharin: falsely sweet
Transient: short-lived; ephemeral
Aloof: distant; detached; cold
Cajole: coax; wheedle; decieve by flattery
Deplete: use up; lessen
Exceptionable: very bad (something which we should object to)
Illuminate: to light up or make clear
Livid: very angry
Onerous: burdensome; hard to undertake
Preamble: introductory material
Sacrosanct: very holy; inviolable
Traverse: to move across
Altruism: putting others first; being self-sacrificing
Deplore: regret
Exculpate: free someone from blame; pardon; acquit
Illusory: deceptive; false; misleading
Lobbyist: person who tries to persuade someone to support a particular cause
Onus: burden
Precarious: unstable; risky
Sagacious: wise
Trepidation: fear
Amass: accumulate
Callow: immature
Depravity: moral corruption
Execrable: very, very bad
Immoderate: excessive; extreme
Lofty: snooty; arrogant; haughty
Opaque: does not let light through
Precedent: a previous occurrence used as a guide
Sage: a wise person; person celebrated for wisdom
Trinket: something of little value; knick-knack
Ambiguity: uncertainty; vagueness
Candid: frank; honest
Deprecate: criticize; denounce
Immutable: unchanging; permanent
Longevity: long life
Opulent: wealthy; rich; magnificent
Precept: guiding principle
Salacious: lecherous; erotic
Trite: unoriginal; dull
Ambiguous: unclear in meaning; can be interpreted in different ways
Candor: frankness; openness
Deride: ridicule; make fun of; mock
Exemplary: outstandingly good; setting a fine example
Impartial: unbiased; neutral
Loquacious: talkative
Sallow: yellowish
Trivial: unimportant
Ambivalence: lack of clarity; wavering; being undecided
Cantankerous bad-tempered; quarrelsome
Exemplify: to serve as a good example
Impecunious: having no money
Lucid: clear
Ornate: highly decorated
Salubrious: health-giving
Truant: shirker; someone absent without permission
Ambulatory: able to walk around (used of hospital patients)
Capacious: spacious
Desecrate: to damage or pollute a holy place
Exhaustive: complete and thorough Impious wicked; profane
Ludicrous: ridiculous; silly
Orthodox: conventional
Precipitous: done in a hurry
Salutary: something which teaches you a lesson; beneficial
Truncate: cut short
Ameliorate: make better
Capitulate: surrender; give in to
Exonerates: acquits; absolves; removes blame
Impoverished: destitute; poor
Ossify: 1. turn to bone; 2. become fixed and rigid
Preclude: prevent or make impossible
Sanctimonious: hypocritically holy
Tumult: uproar; noise
Amelioration: improvement
Carping: constant criticism; finding faults
Desist: stop; discontinue; cease
Exorcism: getting free/rid of; eliminating (especially demons)
Impromptu: unrehearsed; spontaneous
Lummox: clumsy person
Ostentatious: showy
Precocious: developing early
Sanction: give approval to
Turpitude: depravity
Amiable: friendly; lovable
Cartographer: person who makes maps
Despondent: having no hope; miserable
Expatriate: refugee; emigrant; someone living away from his own country
Inadvertent: not intentional
Luscious: juicy; moist; succulent
Oust: push out of a position
Predecessor: one who came before
Sanguinary: bloodthirsty; bloody
Tyro: novice; beginner
Amity: friendship
Castigate: scold strongly
Destitution: hardship; poverty; misery
Expedient: convenient; practical
Lynch: assassinate; kill; illegal hanging
Overt: obvious; not hidden
Predicament: dilemma; difficult situation
Sanguine: optimistic; cheerful
Ubiquitous: found everywhere; omnipresent
Amorphous: lacking in shape
Deter: put off; prevent
Expedite: make faster
Incarceration: putting in prison
Machinations: plots and plans
Preeminent: famous; outstanding
Sardonic: mocking
Unalloyed: undiluted; total
Analgesic: medicine to combat pain
Caucus: type of private political meeting
Deteriorate: worsen; decline
Exposition: clear explanation
Incessant: without stopping
Maelstrom: whirlpool; storm in the ocean
Prerogative: right or privilege
Savant: person with knowledge
Unctuous: oily; using excessive flattery
Analogous: comparable
Caustic: burning
Detrimental: harmful
Extol: praise
Incipient: just beginning
Magnanimous: generous; big-hearted
Prescient: having fore-knowledge
Scale: to climb
Undermined: damaged; attacked
Anarchy: chaos; lack of government
Devoured: greedily eaten/consumed
Extradite: deport from one country back to the home country
Inclination: tendency; a leaning toward
Palliative: a remedy that improves but doesn't cure
Presentiment: a feeling that something might happen
Scapegoat: person on whom blame is placed for faults of others
Underscore: emphasize
Dexterous: skilful with hands
Extraneous: irrelevant
Incoherent: not clear
Maladroit: clumsy; unskillful
Pallid: pale
Presumptuous: assuming too much; arrogant
Scrupulous: careful; diligent; painstaking
Unequivocal: clear; obvious
Animosity: hatred; antagonism
Censorious: disapproving; critical
Dichotomy: a division into two parts
Extrapolate: extend; predict on the basis of known data
Incongruous: not fitting in; out of place
Malady: illness
Palpable: easily felt; easily perceived
Pretentious: pompous; self-important
Scrutinize: examine carefully
Unfetter: set free
Censure: blame; criticize
Extrinsic: irrelevant; on the outside
Inconsequential: unimportant; insignificant; negligible
Malediction: a curse Panacea remedy for all ills
Prevaricate: speak misleadingly and evasively
Cerebral: intellectual
Diffident: lacking confidence
Fallacious: false
Inconspicuous: not easily seen; subtle; not noticeable
Malefactor: a wrong-doer
Paradigm: 1. example; 2. model; 3. way of looking at things
Pristine unspoiled
Unprecedented: never having happened before
Anomaly: something which does not fit in a pattern; irregularity
Certitude: certainty
Digress: wander off the subject
Falter: hesitate; waver
Indelible: cannot be wiped out
Malinger: deliberately avoid work; shirk
Paradox: apparently contradictory statement
Sensuous: appealing to the senses
Unscathed: unharmed; intact; without a scratch
Antagonism: hostility; strong opposition
Charlatan: trickster who claims knowledge he doesn't have
Indifferent: 1. neutral; 2. not outstanding
Malingerer: person who deliberately tries to avoid work
Paragon: a perfect example
Procrastinate: delay; put off
Unwitting: not deliberate; unconscious
Antagonistic: opposed; hostile; aggressive
Chary: watchful; wary of; cautious about; reluctant to give
Dilatory: slow; falling behind with one's work
Fanaticism: passion; excessive devotion
Indigenous: native to a particular area
Malleable: flexible; can be shaped
Paramount: of supreme importance
Prodigal: wasteful; extravagant
Sequester: isolate
Upbraid: scold; tell off; reprimand
Antediluvian: outdated; prehistoric; very old-fashioned
Dilemma: puzzling situation
Fastidious: overly particular; finicky
Indolence: laziness
Prodigious: very large
Serendipity: fortunate coincidence; unsought discovery
Uproarious: hilarious; hysterical; very funny
Dilettante: person who dabbles in a subject without serious study
Inductee: novice; beginner
Manipulatable: influencable; controllable
Profane: unholy
Serene: calm; peaceful
Upshot: outcome
Diligent: hard-working
Feasible: possible and practicable
Indulgent: pampering; satisfying desires
Marred: damaged; spoiled
Pariah: an outcast from society
Urbane: sophisticated; suave; refined
Multifarious: having many aspects
Myopic: short-sighted (literal or metaphoric)
Naivete: innocence; lack of wordliness
Nefarious: infamous; very wicked
Negate: wipe out; nullify
Nemesis: fate; doom
Nihilism: belief in nothing; anarchy
Nondescript: having no special qualities; ordinary
Notoriety: infamy
Obsequious: slavish; fawning
Occlusion: shutting out
Officious: interfering
Onerous: burdensome
Opacity: lack of transparency; being opaque
Opportunism: grabbing opportunities
Opting: choosing
Opulence: lavish display of wealth
Ornate: extremely decorated
Overhaul: renovate; examine
Palliative: sth that makes better but doesn`t cure; easy pain
Pathos: sadness; stirring the emotions; gloomy
Paucity: scarcity; shortage
Peer: An equal; to look closely at
Peevishness: childish sullenness; irritability
Penchant: tendency; leaning toward; liking
Penurious: miserly
Perquisites: perks; sth you recieve for your job
Petulant: touchy; sulky; peevish
Phlegmatic: calm; imperturbable
Phobic: fearful (Root phobia always implies fear)
Pilfer: steal; filch; rustle
Placid: peaceful; calm; serene
Plaudits: praise
Pliant: flexible
Polarized: divided into two extremes
Pragmatism: practicality
Preclude: prevent; make impossible
Precursor: forerunner; sth comes before
Predilection: liking for; penchant
Presumption: assuming too much
Profundity: depth (of ideas/thoughts)
Propensity: tendency; leaning predilection
Proponent: supporter
Prosaic: ordinary; dull
Prospectus: brochure
Prudent: wise; cautious
Punctilious: meticulous
Purportedly: apparently claiming
Quell: suppress; to stop sth such as protests
Quixotic: idealistic; impractical
Radical: revolutionary
Docile: obedient; subservient
Dubious: doubtful
Eclectic: taking things from different sources; selective
Effacement: wiping out; rub out; (self-effacement = excessive modesty)
Egotistical: selfish
Elitist: favoring top group; snob
Elusive: difficult to pin down
Emancipators: those who set others free
Embellished: adorned; decorated
Embittered: full of bitter feelings
Embodiment: living example of
Empathetic: exhibiting deep emotional understanding
Empiric: found by experiment/practice
Encompassed: included; surrounded
Encroach: trespass; violate
Endorsed: supported
Entourage: group of followers; retinue; cortege
Envisioning: imagining; predicting
Epitome: essence; typical example or symbol of
Equanimity: peace of mind; balance; calm
Equitable: fair and equal
Eradicate: wipe out; remove
Erudition: learning; scholarly knowledge
Esoteric: obscure; arcane; known to few
Estrangement: separation
Eulogy: praise
Exacerbate: make worse
Exasperation: frustration and annoyance
Excise: cut out
Exemplar: excellent example of
Exonerated: proved not guilty; acquit
Exorbitant: excessive
Exotic: strange; foreign
Expeditious: speedy; hasten
Extant: still in existence; opposite of extinct
Extirpation: destruction
Extol: praise; glorify
Extrapolate: predict on the basis of existing data; extended
Facile: over simplified
Faction: section; group with common interests
Fastidious: very fussy; excessively concerned (esp. about cleanliness)
Fawning: groveling; slavish; obsequious
Fidelity: faithfulness; loyalty
Finagle: wheedle; wangle; trick
Finesse: skill
Fitful: intermittent; on and off; not continous
Flabbergast: shock; make speechless
Flag: to lose energy; to signal
Rambunctious: boisterous; highly exuberant; unruly
Rancor: bitterness and bad feeling
Ratify: give approval to (official)
Raze: known down, destroy
Reclusive: Avoid other people; solitary
Recrimination: blame
Rectitude: uprightness
Redolent: smelling of (literal or metaphoric)
Regressive: moving backwards (literal or metaphoric)
Rehash: revamp hurriedly/carelessly; to arrange in new form without improvement
Remiss: neglectful
Repertoire: range; set of skills
Reprehensible: very bad; culpable; blame worthy
Reprieve: let off (atleast temporarily); delay; cancel
Reprimanded: scolded
Resilience: strength; ability to withstand
Resolute: firm of purpose
Retraction: removal; taking back
Rhetoric: persuasive language
Robust: strong and sturdy
Rousing: stirring; full of enthusiasm
Rudimentary: elementary; basic; not developed
Salvageable: can be saved
Sanctity: holiness
Sarcasm: sneering; bitter remarks; ironic or taunting
Scouring: cleaning thoroughly; thorough searching; comb
Scrutinize: examine carefully
Scuttled: sunk; foil
Secluded: lonely; isolated
Sedate: calm; placid
Seditious: causing division or rebellion
Sedulous: thorough; eager
Serene: peaceful
Sermonize: give moral lecture
Shroud: a cover for dead body; to cover
Slipshod: careless; untidy
Solace: comfort
Solicitous: expressing care and concern
Somber: gloomy
Sophistry: devious logic
Soporific: sleep inducing; sleep producer
Sporadic: intermittent; not continous; short stayed
Spurned: shunned; rejected
Squander: waste
Squelch: suppress; crush
Steadfastness: loyalty; firmness of purpose
Stifling: suppressing
Stipulated: insisted
Substantiate: give supporting evidence
Floridity: floweriness in language; redness
Foil: frustrate; battle; defeat
Formidable: inspiring awe; impressive and powerful difficulty
Foster: support; encourage
Foundered: sank; failed; stumbled
Fraudulent: crooked; intending to cheat
Frugal: economical; parsimony
Furtive: secretive
Futile: useless; waste of time and effort
Gestures: signals
Glacial: icy; unfriendly
Glutton: greedy; spearing in eating and drinking
Grating: harsh; rasping; irritating
Gratuitous: free; unwarranted
Grimy: dirty
Hackneyed: commonplace; banal; over-used
Heterogeneity: variety; non-uniformity
Hilarity: great laughter
Histronic: melodramatic; expressing exaggerated emotion
Holistic: whole; entire
Hubris: excessive pride; haughtiness
Husbandry: careful management of resources
Idiosyncratic: quirky; eccentric; unique to an individual
Igominy: shame
Imperious: in a commanding manner
Impetuosity: impulsiveness; rash
Impudent: cheeky; irrespectful
Inane: silly
Incoherence: lack of clarity
Inconsequential: unimportant
Inconspicuous: not easily seen; indiscernible
Indiscriminate: without thought; random; careless
Indomitable: unshakeable; fearless
Indulgent: kindly; pampering
Ineffable: cant be expressed in words
Ineptitude: lack of ability
Infelicity: unsuitabilility; inappropriateness
Infusion: influx; addition
Ingenuous: naive
Indigenous: native to a locality
Indictment: charge; legal accusation
Innocuous: harmless
Inscrutable: not easy to comprehend
Subversive: intending to overthrow; seditious; split
Succulent: juicy
Supplant: replace; usurp
Supple: flexible; pliant; lithe
Surfeit: excess
Sustain: support; experience
Sycophant: toady; servile flatterer
Tactile: through the sense of touch
Tangential: off the point; irrelevant
Temper: moderate
Temperamental: volatile; changeable
Temporize: put off; procratinate; delay
Tenacious: holding firmly to idea or purpose
Therapeutic: medicinal
Thwarted: prevented
Transitory: short-lived; not continous
Teacly: too sweet; over sentimental
Tremulous: hestitant
Tribulation: trouble
Truculence: stubborness
Undermine: weaken
Unequivocal: certain; undoubtful
Unwitting: not deliberated
Unyielding: not giving up
Vacillate: waver; hesitate
Validated: proved right
Valor: bravery
Venality: corruption
Versatility: ability to do many things
Vex: annoy
Vicarious: experience indirectly; at secondhand
Vigilant: wary; watchful
Vindication: proving right; acquittal
Vindictive: seeking revenge
Viscous: thick and sticky
Volatile: evaporates easily; mercurial; easily angered; emotional
Voluminous: large; bulky; extensive
Vulnerable: open to attack; susceptible
Waning: declining
Warped: twisted; distorted
Wary: cautious
Wannow: sift; separate good from bad
Wistful: sad; yearning; longing in a thoughtful way
Wrath: anger

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